Hydrostatic pressure and buoyancy under water

Hydrostatic pressure and buoyancy | balloon under water


  • Can you inflate a balloon under water?
  • What happens to the inflated balloon when it is pushed deep under water?
  • What happens analogously to organs, e.g. the eardrum and the (air-filled) lungs?

Content taught:

  • Inflating a balloon is also possible underwater. But: The hydrostatic pressure, i.e. the pressure that the water exerts on the balloon, makes inflation more difficult.
  • If you push an already inflated balloon underwater, the volume of the balloon shrinks with increasing depth and the buoyancy decreases.
  • Organs are also compressed analogously to the balloon with increasing water depth.


(((Deutsche Version)))

Hydrostatischer Druck und Auftrieb unter Wasser

Hydrostatischer Druck und Auftrieb | Luftballon unter Wasser


  • Kann man einen Luftballon unter Wasser aufblasen?
  • Was passiert mit dem aufgeblasenen Luftballon, wenn man ihn tief unter Wasser drückt?
  • Was passiert analog mit Organen, z.B. dem Trommelfell und den (mit Luft gefüllten) Lungen?

Vermittelte Inhalte:

  • Das Aufblasen eines Luftballons ist auch unter Wasser möglich. Aber: Der hydrostatische Druck, also der Druck, den das Wasser auf den Luftballon ausübt, erschwert das Aufblasen.
  • Wenn man einen bereits aufgeblasenen Luftballon unter Wasser drückt, dann schrumpft das Volumen des Luftballons mit zunehmender Tiefe und der Auftrieb wird geringer.
  • Organe werden analog zum Ballon mit zunehmender Wassertiefe ebenfalls zusammengedrückt.


(((English Version)))

Theory of HR change while swimming- cosinuss

Description in english see below.
Esta presentación es la base de en un día de natación utilizando el sensor de oído de cosinuss°. El contenido se basa principalmente en los efectos biológicos que aparecen durante la natación, especialmente con respecto a los cambios en la frecuencia cardíaca. Enlace a la presentación Powerpoint: STEM on the move Menorca

This presentation is based on a swimming day using the cosinuss° in-ear sensor. Content is mostly based on biological effects that appear during swimming, especially regarding changes in heart rate.

Link to Powerpoint presentation: STEM on the move Menorca

Forces and interaction principles while Swimming

This is a template for four units on swimming and physics. The main focus is on forces and the interaction principle. The lessons alternate between a more practical or theoretical nature.

Overview of the lesson content:

Lesson 1: Examining the forces during swimming qualitatively.

Lesson 2: Learning about forces in a more theoretical/physics nature and using appropriate terms and definitions.

Lesson 3: Improve swimming speed with better techniques and minding water resistance. This includes using a sensor to better understand and monitor the progress/difficulties.

Lesson 4: Students apply Newton’s interaction principle to the swimming lessons and can also explain everyday situations using it.

Enclosed is the link to the document:

Swimming_Lessons_-_Physics Forces

Oxygen Supply while swimming

This lesson sequence is for a swimming class including biology sections (or classes). The focus is on the oxygen supply of the heart and body. Leading question through the lessons: Why am I out of breath so fast? How can I prevent this?

Overview of the lesson content:

Lesson 1: Practising the economization of breathing during swimming.

Lesson 2: Details about the oxygen supply in the body, examining lung volume and the role of the heart.

Lesson 3: Focus on the heart rate and recovery phase during swimming. Students learn to regulate their movement.

Lesson 4: Students reflect on their swim training, characterize the cardiovascular system and draw conclusions about keeping healthy.

Enclosed is the link to the document:

Swimming_Lessons_-_Biology: Oxygen Supply

Mechanics while Cycling

PowerPoint Presentation with different ideas coming later


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