Interview with professional triathlete Dominik Sowieja

Professional triathlete and engineer Dominik Sowieja gives insights in his carrer as an athlete but also working as an engineer. In this interview he answers questions from students and is an inspiration to anyone to push one’s limits to the personal boundaries and always try to improve. How technology and his curiosity for MINT subjects helped shape his career is documented in this interview.

This is the link to the video:

Interview with professional cyclist Gerrit Glomser

Former professional cyclist Gerrit Glomser answering questions about his career from students. He is an inspiration on how understanding MINT topics and technology help imporove personal performance. He is now the founder of the company GAIRRIT and helps athletes to perfom better using technology and biophysiological knowledge.

Link to the video:

Mechanics while Cycling

PowerPoint Presentation with different ideas coming later


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