Interview with professional triathlete Dominik Sowieja

Professional triathlete and engineer Dominik Sowieja gives insights in his carrer as an athlete but also working as an engineer. In this interview he answers questions from students and is an inspiration to anyone to push one’s limits to the personal boundaries and always try to improve. How technology and his curiosity for MINT subjects helped shape his career is documented in this interview.

This is the link to the video:

Interview with professional cyclist Gerrit Glomser

Former professional cyclist Gerrit Glomser answering questions about his career from students. He is an inspiration on how understanding MINT topics and technology help imporove personal performance. He is now the founder of the company GAIRRIT and helps athletes to perfom better using technology and biophysiological knowledge.

Link to the video:

Modul Pulsmessungen beim Sport


Ziel ist es, dass die Schüler verschiedene Begriffe zur Pulsmessung und Herzfrequenz lernen und gleich anwenden. Dazu sollte die Unterrichtseinheit in einem Fitnesscenter oder LA- Anlage durchgeführt werden.  Gebraucht werden Pulsuhren und das Handout.

Stem on the move Beitrag Pulsmessung Oberstufe Sport

Cardiovascular system & performance


This is a short overview (goals, exercises) about combining the topic of the cardiovascular system with the practice of cycling.


  • Students explain stress factors on the cardiovascular system and describe/perform  efficient/healthy ways of cycling


  • comparing (practically/theoretically) sprint cycling with moderate cycling – pro and contra, including dangers for the body
  • discussing key factors for a healthy/safe performance (heat, water, muscle stress, …)

Link to image: Cardiovascular-System-Overview

Link to other lesson sketches: Cycling Topic Collection


Posture / Safety


This is a short overview (goals, exercises) about combining the topic of posture with the practice of cycling.


  • Students list a few measures for safe cycling and perform a healthy posture on bicycles.


  • cycling with different postures (esp. The back) or with various heights of saddle/handlebars and comparing the feeling
  • watching the performance of other students (e.g. via video and slow-motion) and evaluating their form
  • comparing the impact (e.g. on watermelons) with and without safety gear

Link to image: Posture-Overview

Link to other lesson sketches: Cycling Topic Collection


Spinning Top / Torque


This is a short overview (goals, exercises) about combining the topic of torque with the practice of cycling.


  • Students explain why bicycles stay stable during cycling (even during tight turns)


  • Trying to balance yourself while sitting on a standing bike vs. cycling on it
  • „Slow race(driving on a line/course as slow as possible)
  • Spinning  a wheel while sitting on a rotatable  chair

Link to image: Torque-Overview

Link to other lesson sketches: Cycling Topic Collection


Gears & Levers


This is a short overview (goals, exercises) about combining the topic of the Gears & Levers with the practice of cycling.


  • Students compare bicycles to simple levers and explain the applications of the gears.


  • Cycling with different gear settings or bicycles with differently sized tires
  • Using simple levers to lift objects vs. lifting them directly
  • Use detached cycling components to create winches for a better comparison
  • comparing travel distance per pedal cycle  for different settings

Link to image: Gears-Levers-Overview

Link to other lesson sketches: Cycling Topic Collection


Inclined Plane


This is a short overview (goals, exercises) about combining the topic of the inclined plane with the practice of cycling.


  • Students discuss how steepness affects the efficiency of cycling (OR)
  • Students explain and apply different gear settings depending on the steepness of the slope


  • trying out different gear combinations while cycling
    •  … on a horizontal plane
    •  …up a hill (at different angles)
  • comparing travel distance per pedal cycle for different settings
  • runners vs. cyclists on a steep slope –> who is faster – and why?
  • Extra: Looking at the forces applying to the bicycle

Link to image: Inclined-Plane-Overview

Link to other lesson sketches: Cycling Topic Collection


Golden Rule of Mechanics


This is a short overview (goals, exercises) about combining the topic of the Golden Rule of Mechanics with the practice of cycling.


  • Students describe the rule in words (F1⋅s1 = F2⋅s2) and use it to evaluate different routes.


  • cycle up hills on different sides with different steepnesses
  • comparing pictures of different routes across a mountain path, discussing options
  • use different gears or tires of different sizes

Link to image: Cycling-Golden-Rule-Overview

Link to other lesson sketches: Cycling Topic Collection


STEM Cycling – Topic Overview TU-BS


Here you can find an overview of several short lesson ideas concerning the combination of STEM topics (physics, biology) and the sport of cycling in a school context.

PDF Document: Cycling Overview PDF

PowerPoint: Cycling Overview PPT

Links to the individual pages:

Friction & Cycling

Golden Rule of Mechanics

Inclined Plane

Gears & Levers

Spinning Top / Torque

Energy Conversion & Momentum

Posture / Safety

Cardiovascular System & performance


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